Saturday, 16 October 2010

1237: just before 5 in the afternoon

1. somewhere between 3 and 5 (which is to say, 4 something like it is now) on a random weekday back in june, we sat at macs with their since-gone (is it still around, anyone knows?) afternoon 3-for-5 promotion. I think back to it only as I find watching the shanghai masters semifinal 1 in the closing minutes of 4intheafternoon cause for wanting to eat macs, drink koi, and do stuff that are generally comforting.

2. night to me affords us the most time, because when the sun is down it feels like it's never gonna come up. day time, however, is always gonna end, and we usually start it somewhere when it's already at or past it's golden hours. yes, i do look forward to nights more than days. go figure.