Sunday, 22 March 2009

Drop Everything

At 1230 this afternoon, I was awoken by a call from Elendrus asking me to make good on my plans to get a class gathering together, all within a few minutes. Multiple text messages and 90 minutes later, I met him and Xin Quan at Marina Square for an hour of pool, tea at Secret Recipe and a screening of The Dark Knight in Stuart's home theatre. I cabbed westward to Joanna's place for her 19th party with some 04 folks, complete with Westlife karaoke.

The pattern of postings I've witnessed for my batch can be both assuring and disturbing. While many of those who deserve OCS have received it, there are some whom I see all the necessary qualities in but have not been given the opportunity. This applies mostly to those in my year, though there are others I know as well. I'm glad the sensation I spoke of 2 posts ago has begun to ebb, if only just; speaking to and about some of them today essentially let me experience the whole spectrum of what I knew I'd feel towards this, so come 23rd, all will be as it should, with special respect to my thoughts and feelings where all this is concerned.