While introducing ourselves to our own private guest speaker from Sri Lanka during cell group this morning, I mentioned that I'm glad we have this regularity more or less every Sunday; it truly is grounding and meaningful. This year has so far been one heck of a ride, and one thing I'm glad to have introduced into my life is not only Sunday gatherings but having gotten to know many of them better. We've been attending for years and years, though it's simply because we never gave ourselves any reason to let our circles cross that we never really got the chance to get to know one another. So to my two OCS cell members, Daniel and Lionel, all the best.
After service I met Elendrus to pass him an additional phone battery to tide him over the 3-weekend confinement period. We met Ronald, Jillian and Jim at Plaza Singapura where they were having lunch, and I left so as not to impose on their arranged gathering with one other of our schoolmates. So to ET and Jim, classmates from 2 different periods in AC, all the best.
Over the last 4 days it's been my pleasure to have met up with so many people I came to know from my schools and in Ladang. From the class on Thursday and Friday night, Team C on Friday afternoon, the ex-classmates on Saturday afternoon and the ex-ex-classmates on Saturday evening, school has truly merely been a place of contact; the friendships formed last long after the last lesson. From dinner on Tuesday with J4/2, bumping into Kelvin 2 days ago, chatting with Jarrod way past midnight and stumbling upon J4/4 at their gathering this afternoon, it was nice seeing everyone again, even if not in the same place at the same planned event as we would have wanted. So, to round off my list, to Chun Wui, Stuart, Jarrod, Kelvin, and everyone I know in my batch and is going on to OCS like the best of our ilk had always intended, all the best.
Looking forward, I don't think I will ever stop finding myself amazed at the way experiences unfold. I've found that having your spirit thrown deep into the darkest of doubts makes the eventual hope that much more worth embracing. A few dates are of note, which are, in my opinion, watersheds of the highest significance. My first wisdom tooth extraction on the 31st (next Tuesday), which is one of 4 I'm told, my Board Interview on the 8th (Wednesday), and awaiting replies from my Durham appeal and SPH scholarship enquiries, and finally my TTSH specialist assessment at their respiratory clinic, where hopefully I will be made aware of the directions I can decide on, down all the way, join the april 24th batch, or even, in the slightest possibility and probably not what I want since the two batches we make up are over, going at it all the way. And there's the prospect of lessons, jobs and any other meaningful ways of spending my time out of work I plan to fully experience.
One period gives way to another, sometimes subtly, other times not so much. 01/09 will be but a memory from now on, as has every other experience. March 23rd marks a beginning for most, though not so much for me. Yet it signals new developments that should carry me well into the year proper, as I embrace all that 2009 will offer up in experience, beginning with no better month than April, a month I have always seen as my very own.