Saturday, 28 February 2009

The Art of Chat

I am unspeakably indebted to my body clock. It has served me well through 12 years of school, and the number of times I've been late can probably be counted using the fingers on one hand. I have never been more aware of its accuracy then during the time I was in Ladang. I'd always set my alarm clock for an insanely early time, but would inexplicably awake a little before that, so I've never actually had to shut the alarm off in that frenzied just-got-up state. It gives me time to compose myself for the day. The same cannot be said during weekends. I mean yes, I do wake up earlier than I need to, but something convinces me that I have all the time in the world to catch another minute or two of shuteye, and by the time I do get out of bed, it's usually in the aforementioned frenzied state because I have half an hour to get dressed and get myself to wherever it is I need to be. Such was the case today when, at 1130, I rushed myself over to Kushin Bo, Great World City, for a Japanese Buffet Lunch with Sean, Javier and Yew Jin. For the price we paid, the food there is of a quality far higher than comparably priced buffets we've been to, such as Hanabi, King's Arcade. I particularly enjoyed the dessert spread. Post-lunch, it was drinks at Starbucks, where I continued my coffee abstinance and had floral tea, along with chat. Hence the title of my post.

I've mentioned more than once that the art of chatting is highly underrated. It costs nothing, and yet is entirely rewarding. Normally the only thing lacking is more time to indulge in it. That's probably why I really enjoy stayovers and vacations abroad; they permit extended periods of just talking. Nevertheless, there's some stuff from today's chat that got me thinking. I shall revert to the trusty 'ol numbering method.

1. I was told about the peer review formal survey ranking thingy for command school. It was strange because while I was writing peer appraisals, I actually came up with a list in my head already, trying to figure out who I thought would make good commander (ie OCS in my dictionary). There were always a few people whom I believed would be absolute shoo-ins, such as Weidi, Benedict, David and Michael (whom I will never forget how amused and amazed I was at his ability to have a completely lucid conversation with me about returning my helmet netting while starting on the run after just completing 11 SOC obstacles), and I'd venture to guess that they were reviewed in that manner. Same goes for the opposite end of the spectrum. And if I find the time, I'll post the appraisals I wrote, just like I did my farewell letter, here and/or FB.

2. So during the course of the conversation it was mentioned that one's enthusiasm for the NS experience gets watered down after actually going through army life for a while. Whose doesn't? Well the answer to that question is simple - those who are, in fact, the shoo-ins I've mentioned. This group also encompasses those whom I never thought were the most enthused about it and yet are breezing through. Suffice to say I've been impressed on more than one occassion.

Like I mentioned, I'll be on course until the 17th. My batchmates graduate on the 11th, and their block leave extends till the 22nd. So to make sure I at least have time off that coincides with them for a few days, I'll be taking 3 days' leave immediately after my course, so with weekends, I'll match 7 of their 11 days.

Finally, the results of most UCAS apps have come in completely, and my absent LSE outcome seems like an anomaly. Still, any reason to be hopeful is good. And the first PSC Scholarship offers have been made, and to those I know, my congratulations. As of now, I shan't bore you again with the reason for me not having gone for my second interview (I've probably ranted about it to most already, in all it's detailed glory), and just quote from the email I was sent regarding this - "You should be scheduled for the interview in late March or early April". As with many things, like the results of my EE and English A1 remarkings (my TOK grade wasn't upped unfortunately), my fingers are tightly crossed!