yesterday's econs lesson was really short, and the PC room was pretty warm 'cos aom had no idea how to turn the aircon on and no one seemed to want to tell him how...
in the 90minute lesson we had a 30minute break which i spent chatting to yewjin...
post-econs, we went for the history lecture which i found out was gonna have year 6s in attendance, increasing the likelihood of it being a phenomenal waste of time, which it did turn out to be...
perhaps the only interesting, if not predictable, thing that happened in those 3 hours was witnessing what has come to be known as the Clauswitzean orgasm... x)
i'm left with a little less than 48 hours to finish my Hedda Gabler assignment and the May'03 IB unseen prose written commentary, and i've not decided whether i wanna do them yet...
HSM concert on now,