Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Blogging as Performance Art

1. I will be the first to admit that there are posts on this blog I find myself sheepish for having written. Yet I don't alter them for the simple fact that they capture how I felt exactly at that moment or experience.

2. I have had limitless opportunities to come into contact with an incredibly wide range of people. Once in a rare while an individual whom I speak to or find out more about makes me look back upon my own experience of life, usually in the context of the breadth and depth of things I've done, achieved, failed at, gained recognition for and shared with others. I've been triggered to look back at my posts at last year's end, and am appalled to realize I didn't write something to close the year. Unacceptable, though there is little reason for me to do one in the middle of March (heh, Middlemarch just popped into my head, forgive the pun). I put it down to my state of mind then, and that silence is as significant as any loud post I could have written.

3. There are some vocations in my current organization of employment that are viewed, rightly so, as more worth one's time than others. Officially, mine is not quite here nor there. In reality, I'm getting the best of all worlds, and if my one day back to work in and for a long time has shown, I now know that this is probably the best place to spend my obligatory hours, something I already envisioned in an earlier post.

4. I've yet to do some stuff, like pay a visit to SPH, collect my Dip from school and finish Brightsparks. My mind, however, is not fully on these things, and rightfully so. I've played my part in economic stimulus by buying albums (you know, those round things that, unlike the intangible iTunes variety, are physically present), arranging gatherings and indulging, for tonight at least, in the now-rare luxury of sitting in front of my computer screen with a million windows open without any worry of timing 'cos there's nothing pressing to wake up for, just like I took for granted in those non-working days.

5. I wrote this list out for Elliot 'cos he asked, and I might as well put it here. It's a Uni Apps list, and when this week is over and the deadlines close I'll post a Scholarship Apps list. Outcomes in parentheses.

UK (UCAS), 15 October 2008
Oxford PPE (Unsuccessful)
University College London English Literature (Unsuccessful)
King's College London English Literature (Unsuccessful)
University of Durham English Literature (Conditional)
LSE Politics & Philosophy (Pending, high hopes)

USA (Common Application), 31 December 2008
Harvard Politics (Pending, probably unsuccessful)
Yale Politics (Pending, probably unsuccessful)
New York University Stern Business School (Pending, high hopes)

SG (There are only 3 to choose from, so yeah) Jan - Mar 2009
NUS Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) (Successful; Law?)
NTU Business (Pending)
SMU Double Degree in Law and Econs (Pending)