Sunday, 4 January 2009
On the cusp of the week of both my IB results and NS, I have taken a breather from filling my days with as much activity as possible. A regular reply when someone asks you what you've been up to is to say that one has been simply slacking at home or whiling one's time away doing some mundane thing or other such as gaming of whatever sort. It's only during the most hectic of times, both productive and casual, that I see the value in such down time. And there would not be a more appropriate day to have done that than on Sunday, the final day of rest before the rest of my life really begins. 2009 really begins with this week for me; even in the school calendar, the past week has been recognized merely as week 0 (but that calendar has no meaning to me any longer). I'm ready to head into the year proper, one hand in my pocket, taking life as it would have me take it.