gave the manutd-arsenal match at clarence's invitation a miss last night 'cos i had to play for worship early this morning and i had not finished my history expose yet...
mervyn was at church today, though didn't get to talk much 'cos he was heading off to lunch...
went to holland v with sam/jake/adriel for lunch and tried Cold Rock for the first time, and its not much to scream about...
at least that's one down on my quest to eat my way through hv, at least the places i'm allowed in legally...
went back to sam's place to watch CSI/play mahjong, saw josh for the first time in weeks since his taiwan trip, then was accosted into playing mahjong with uncles hinglee/wengchoong/hockcheng at the latter's estate (i had not been there yet, and it was quite breathtaking), then dinner at ghim moh before heading back to sam's place/back home...
right - the expose needs to be written now...
2 more days of dean's list, dean's tea and i'm SO not stepping into school again after that...
oh yes and have to train juniors tomorrow by request of rc...
i'm quite pleased with how i managed not to step into school once in my 8 weeks of break last year, so i do hope to be able to do it again...
phuket, and possibly bali, to end the year...
pull out the tree, you know what time of the season it is =)
all that is needed in return,