while a good number of my schoolmates are in school for the vigil tonight, i unfortunately can't be there 'cos of my attachment..
and if i had known about today's part of the attachment i might have had second thoughts about going...
suffice to say, the fine art of moving pencils around ovals is not something that's enjoyable for 5 hours...
but money and no school are incentives in and of themselves...
the highlight of the day was drinks at starbucks with sean after we were released earlier than expected, so i guess one thing good so far is that i am free earlier than if i were to have gone to school...
and when i read that there was a gambling prevention talk in school, i knew they had run out of any good ideas for post-exam activities, and i'm glad i didn't have to endure that torture...
btw, thanks mel for updating me about the english result...
heroes in a few hours!
random fluff,