Wednesday, 31 October 2007

finished listening to Britney Spears' BLACKOUT on the way to school this morning, and i must say its certainly a good comeback album...
its a dance album, with 2 slow tracks, but i recommend track 2 for its really edgy lyrics...
go check it out!

day 3 of dean's list was pretty ok, no classroom work...
part 2 of the drama workshop was slightly better cos of the dramatic enacting of act 3 of the lorca text and the hilarious alternate ending we came up with..
history was at chinatown, and though i've not stepped into a museum in years, this particular one was quite thought provoking in my opinion, so i'm looking forward to writing my 1000word paper on it due monday...

so the day didn't quite end with dean's list..

i had just arrived home and was heading up after buying lunch when i got a call from gen telling me mel was in the hospital awaiting surgery in an 50mins...
even though i cabbed down immediately i didn't get to see her before they put her under GA, so after chatting at the hospital for about half an hour with elliot/chunwui/cielo/gen/jim/mong/nic, we headed to mong's place, then to PS to get cielo's phone, then back to gleneagles 'cos mel had just woken up...
slightly over an hour in the ward playing loud games, we headed back to mong's place for dinner...
to mel: get better soon, we'll miss you in phuket...
and i had fun with my classmates that were there today...

have a meeting in the morning before hist dean's list which i'm going for in place of english...
and friday's my chinese B exam, the IB one that costs a few hundred dollars...
i need that 7!!

I'm Mrs OMG that Britney's Shameless (You want a piece of me),