week 5 began today, and we're already half way into the second term, which means the first semester will end really soon...
and its gonna feel even sooner coz of phuket..
school was phenomenally boring again, though i made a big decision to switch seats today...
it wasn't really intentional at first, 'cos i had to free up some space for lesson ob during english pract, but it felt better not sititng at the back, so i think i might just sit there from now on, who knows...
tomorrow doesn't seem to hold any better potential, with econs/math/elA1strand2 in the morning, 80minbreak, then an hour of chem/chinese/history each... at least can leave during EE and go for b&j's free cone day...
thursday morning's the 2.4 run, so gonna sleep lots on wednesday after interclass...
can't wait for my desperate housewives 3.08 to finish so i can watch...
this Hope is our's,