Wednesday, 25 April 2007

just like a nice structured IOP, my post has 3 parts:

1) my IOP
having slaved for 4 hours since 130 this morning, i thought i came up with a fairly good presentation, and thought i'd rehearsed it enough to deliver it well...
my execution was beyond horrid, my instincts were all over the place and i got stopped before i got to the best parts...
granted i had no idea the timing was gonna be so strict at 10mins flat...
and because i'm FIRST, ppl get to know what not to do from my blunders...
i'm usually that kind of person sitting and watching to do things better, but you know what they say (actually i don't, but it seems appropriate here)
so for knowledge of the text i got a 3 out of 5, coz i didn't explain the context in enough detail, which apparently was a major fault in a lot of prior presentations...
for interpretation i got 8 out of 10, coz i didn't get to the best parts which would have assured me a 9 at least
presentation i got 6 out of 10 (i could have just died at that point) coz i didn't really get my own structure right, and i could have done TONNES better during the slideshow...
and a 5 out of 5 for language...
so a 22 out of 30...
its one of those horrid experiences that, when i think about it a few hours after, i wanna kick myself and whoever else...

2) its the 25th of April
or as miss rhode island in miss congeniality put it, the perfect date - not too hot, not too cold, all you need is a light jacket!
or as i would say, my 17th...
and it was one of the more enjoyable days i've had in school in a long long while...
thanks bryan for the 生日快乐 so loud and early when i got to school...
to ron and sean and paul and melodie for the early morning gifts...
to jill the 24th for popping in...
to deon for the ice lemon tea...
to mervyn for the little pressie (haven't opened any presents btw, if you're wondering why there're no exact descriptions)
and to the awesomest five.nine.chronicles for the amazing cake (was it lana chocolate cake?)
after interclass, i went with sean and javier to essentials for finger food, great tea blends and amazing chat...

3) heroes is too amazing for words
not since One Tree HIll has a show captivated me like heroes has...
and episode 19 was another brilliant cliffhanger...
all the side characters have powers, and from the spoiler threads i've read, the season finale episodes (21-23) are gonna be amazing...
episode 20 is set in 2012 where hiro and ando have failed in their mission...
and hiro is BY FAR the single most important character in the larger story line, and he goes head to head against sylar to the death in one of the later episodes...
speaking of which, the peter-sylar showdown would have been the most amazing scene in the series so far if not for the skimpy storyboard...
sylar does his usual cutting forehead thing, and as per usual power characters (albeit post blood-curdling scream), peter's eyes turn resolute, the cut heals instantly, and he telekinesis-es sylar into the opposite wall...
as they prepare to fight, peter turns invisible, but instead of running behind him and choking the hell out of him, he just stands there, and sylar does this really cool glass shards attack thing that pierces peter through the head, killing him, but obviously temporarily...
but the most out of place moment comes after this cool kill...
mohinder rams a WHITEBOARD into him, knocking him out cold long enough to destroy the LIST and get peter to mrs petrelli's house...
and poor isaac finally gets cut from the show...
BUT simone comes back, and she has powers in the finale!
