Saturday, 28 April 2007

its not in my habit to blog twice a day, but since its a saturday without anything much to do, here goes...

just got avril's The Best Damn Thing, and its not a bad album overall..
despite what the first single, Girlfriend, feels like, it is NOT a pop princess album...
its still very much the punk rocker chick we've all come to know and love...
however, the one track that shines is When You're Gone, a slow number which is a welcome change...
and the live version on YouTube is really good as well..
the girl can sing, unlike what she tried to do when she sang Iris with the Goo Goo Dolls a few years back...

have yet to finish Dignity, but i'll comment when i do...
the first 3 tracks are pretty similar, and its a very catchy start, though it does not achieve the dance vibe she's going for...
Wake Up and Beat of my Heart from Most Wanted were a lot more dance floor groovy...

waiting for grey's anatomy epi21 to finish, as well as the last 2 episodes of the OC season 4 which i've never bothered to download coz i thought i could get them off jake, but its been months, so i decided to just get them myself...
the only other show i need to catch up with is Smallville season 6, but that'll be later...

and in preparation for tuesday's spiderman 3, i just caught spiderman 2 on AXN about an hour back, and its refreshed my memory about where i should anticipate the story to pick up from... can't wait!
