intercolls today wasn't too bad...
lost the 4th round to acjc, then won the 5th against nj...
and according to my flawless calculations, the finalists were rj/vj (the other school with 4 wins)
i have a feeling we might have been 5th or 6th (wsdc and acjc were 1st and 2nd), along with hwachong who won 3 as well..
went back to school just in time for the OM results...
go paul/JC/jem/yeang/jlow/hadi/jin!
200/200 for ltp, a rare feat indeed...
dinner at mad jack's next to king's arcade with them and the entire maryland 2004 team (rayan/coll/dhanesh/tim) minus andrew...
that's the name of the joint that i complained about back in '05 for having sucky food...
and it still does, honestly...
waiting for voting results so anxiously right now,