running for council back in nj was amazing, i felt so old!
CAMPAIGNING begins on monday!
its gonna be the most amazing week i hope, especially if everyone goes all out...
my campaign party's super duper, with me, elendrus, fracoise, nurul and deborah...
thanks to all the ppl who have helped and are helping us, we certainly need the extra hands...
so i've not slept much this week, averaging 4 hours a day, and yes that's alot by some ppl's standards, but not mine...
and i probably have to do it for the next 2 weeks coz of campaigning and the forums and what not...
but it does add another dimension to school life...
oh not to mention debate and intercolls...
here's a gentle reminder to VOTE JLC (ok gentle was a bit of a stretch)
its that's time of the season,