SALVATION IS HERE was a huge huge success, and it was tonnes of fun to boot...
all the items went as rehearsed, and there was loads of that for sure...
arrived at church at 10 to fine-tune some songs, then had lunch before preparation in prayer...
the hour or so before we were up was really funny, coz we were backstage joking around...
we finished our set of 10 songs with as much energy as we'd hoped...
i stayed on to play for the testimonies and the drama...
the worship team went to do the candle thingy, and during the alter call, coz nat was playing the big keyboard, amanda bennet and i shared the synthesizer, she on bass and me on treble...
didn't wanna head home straight away, considering its the eve of the eve of christmas, so i kinda tagged along with jake and elisa xu to renaldo's for apple strudel...
i stocked up on my entertainment needs for the last week of vacation...
got jan's FIRST and LIME and dec28's 8DAYS, and rented CLICK...
the two of'em were doing calculus, and i kindaof helped in question 11, sorta...
though its not the norm for me to not go to church on sundays, and christmas eve no less, i accepted elendrus' invitation to join him and xinquan at ron's church coz it was evangelical, and i hadn't gone to any other church in a really really really long time...
got lost on the way there and only found ron/xq on my third attempt, had breakfast, then headed to the third floor of an office building to attend the service...
its the smallest i've ever attended, congregation totalling 120 or so, and everything was very conservative and un-complex, from the carols to the kids nativity item...
the service lies somewhere in the middle of the charismatic spectrum of worship services i've ever attended, of which number only 3, with BMC at the high end and st andrews cathedral on the other...
it really reminded me that without the electric guits/strobe lights and all that jazz, its an intimacy each worshipper looks for, and that can be achieved in any way...
a huge contrast from just 24 hours before, when the drums and synth were in overdrive... x)
its just a few minutes to christmas, and upon reflection, its been a good year so far...
with that and the gift of salvation in mind, there really is quite a bit to be thankful for...
a merry christmas indeed,