my 2 weeks of attachment have been successfully halved! x)
so i've finished this internship only mildly scarred...
its a rather long story, but the short of is that filing and data entry as an everyday activity is so brainless that it was all i could do not to go insane after an hour every morning...
the raffles medical group finance department is generally nice, 90% female accountants, and the office is this really open area that is surrounded by the IT wing and the CEO's office...
they have really really nice bathrooms, which has nice soothing music playing all the time, so i spent a good amount of time there, averaging 2-digit visits everyday in between accounting tasks...
thankfully i had a coffee bean downstairs to satisfy my cranberry muffin cravings, and since we're in bugis, there's no shortage of places to go for lunch...
3 good things came out of this week, where i was basically shut out of the social world and sent headfirst into the career world for the 44-hour work week...
first was that i had tonnes of time to think, so i planned my Christmas shopping and spent post-work hours looking at displays in the nearby malls...
the second was having lunch at 5 different locations each day, sakae (ok i knew i promised never to go there again, but i did had the bento), BK, bugis street, Mos and Breko's in that order...
finally, i caught up with all the new music that's not on iTunes coz i listened to the radio a lot...
fave tracks now, new or otherwise include Nelly & Christina Aguilera's Tilt Ya Head Back and Keane's Nothing In My Way
the highlight of the week was dinner at Hanabi King's Arcade with javier/yewjin/sean...
was a hilarious night, just talking about stupid stuff that happened in the few years in AC...
the food's really not that great, and i got sick of salmon sashimi after a while, so won't be having that anytime soon...
went to macs serene centre to exchange files and whatever...
oh and i've played dota every night this week, which was a form of reprieve...
last night after worship pract came back and played from 1030 to 430 this morning before going to sleep...
was just me/clarence/xinquan, coz xq was staying at clarence's place (i didn't coz i might be going tomorrow night already)
we all slept at 5 plus, and he called me at 10 to go play again!
at first i was like huh mad arh, let me sleep, then he called me again at 12plus, so i got out of bed to play another 4 games before lunching at promptly going back to sleep... x)
oh but watched DH S4E09 first...
woke up for dinner, then finally finished Pokemon Crystal by beating Ash of RBY...
now can start on emarld... =P
all i need,