left clarence's house after the matches early this morning at 540am...
manU was really horrid, and lost 1-0 to copenhagen...
aresenal's match was so much more exciting, with many unconverted chances, and ended 0-0..
ET was sleeping through the entire thing while i was doing some work on my iBook and dozing off in between exciting moments in the games... clarence actually stayed up the entire time...
ET says he was awake for 15 minutes, so there... x)
anyways, walking about at 5plus in the morning is quite cool, very quiet, just you and your thoughts...
i wasn't too sleepy coz i think i was into my second wave, so just kept thinking about stuff on the trainride/walk back...
read the papers, had breakfast and finished up some stuff before going to sleep at 7...
woke up at 11ish to look for a song i heard in the morning on power98 while walking back home -
LISTEN TO YOUR HEART by D.H.T is just so amazing!!
had lunch before heading out to meet ET/clarence on the 153 to maplewoods...
met up with merv/yewjin/ryan to play squash/pingpong/tennis, though i didn't do the later...
kevin/xinquan/sean came later...
played 2 games with kevin, who's really too good, lost 9-2, 9-4
then finished up the THIRD meeting with mervyn...
he beat me 3-1 3-1 in the last two meetings, and we'd stopped with me having won one set at sean's club...
merv won the next set 9-7, then we fought to deuce in the thrid set and i finally broke that 3-1 curse!
but i lost the last set 9-6, so he's still beat me all 3 times...
played 2 games with xinquan who claims he's only played squash twice (yeah right!!)
lost both times, but we had a really long deuce game the second time round....
i guess if you're singapore's top badminton player, holding any kind of racket and hitting a ball becomes second nature...
but kevin absolutely outclassed him in their only set, winning 9-0...
tried teaching ET to play squash, and i must say to a certain degree of success... x)
played power doubles pingpong after like dunno how many months, probably since march...
paired up with yewjin again after all this time against our usual opponents xinquan/clarence...
won our first to 3 sets challenge after 2 deuce games and the last one 21-12...
yay us still unbeaten!!
spent the rest of the time lounging by the pool with kevin/sean/yewjin while the other 5 jumped into the pool...
went into the sauna with xinquan/ET/clarence/ryan for a bit before showering for dinner...
bussed down to 6th avenue to eat at PASTA FRESCA DA SALVATORE...
had PIZZA PARMA HAM, while my other pizza-eater yewjin had PIZZA REGINA!
traded slices too!
and mervyn totally believed us when we told him yellow bell peppers were italian mangoes!!
took a cab home with ET/clarence, and i'm just winding down from an amazing day...
thanks ya'll!