after being stuck at home for two days, i finally got myself out of the house for some action...
played pingpong/badminton with yewjin/clarence/clarence'ssisters at his club today...
but the exciting part of the day was not playing itself, though there was 3andahallf hours of that to satisfy...
it was GETTING there that's a tale worth recounting...
first off, i woke up at like 830, went online for a while, waiting for clarence's call so we could leave and meet yewjin at boonlay at 10am as we'd discussed in the conference call last night...
he didn't call, so i left the house at 920 and gave him a ring on all 5 of his numbers, and he finally answered one...
it was then that i was he was not ready, and that we were gonna be deathly late, and yewjin didn't know!
so i went to have breakfast at macs, and a little before 10, yewjin called and patched clarence in so we could discuss what to do...
suffice to say that yewjin was left waiting for an hour and 20 mins while we rushed down...
taxi drivers really don't like taking 5 ppl...
upon reaching boonlay, yewjin abandoned his arcade games halfway to meet us to take bus 182 to the club, which is probably the most outlandish route for any bus, it practically travels the northenmost tip of singapore, without actually leaving the island..
so we stopped 14 stops later, and decided to walk across 6 lanes of expressway!
nearly died, but thankfully we didn't get run over by some proton-carrying 18-wheeler on the way over...
and then it was pingpong/badminton =)