Monday, 30 October 2006

so the hols have officially started for me, after the horror of the chinese Os (again)
the paper this time round was easier, so i hope i get a better grade...

yewjin came to meet up with us to lunch at holland v...
then we bussed over to his place to play PS and ping pong, that's me/merv/ET...

we've been brainstorming ideas for bintan, and i do hope i won't be bored any part of the 4 days there... x)

going for a movie/movies tomorrow, then its squash/tennis at ryan's place on thursday...
might join ET at clarence's place tomorrow...

finished watching the long-overdue desperate housewives 5 - i hate nora so much!!
oh and amazing race 10 was on tonight on axn, go tyler&james!
kentucky are seriously lucky, having been last in TWO non-elimination legs already...

all over the floor,